New Committee for 2012/13

At the Annual General Meeting in August, a new Committee was elected.

Jill Stevens decided not to re-nominate as President, having been a Committee member since 1998, and President since 2000 – 13 years!  The Friends presented her with a commemorative clock and plaque to mark the occasion.  Jill is staying on a Vice-President.

The new Committee is:  President- Bill Biscoe;  Vice-President – Jill Stevens; Secretary – Jan Biscoe; Treasurer and Membership Secretary – Paddy Carter;  Committee Members – Adelaide Abbott, Jennifer Kerr, Christine Malone, Kevin Platt, James Porter and Margaret Seager.

You will note that most of the Committee has served for some years – our thanks to all the members who keep putting up their hands to help out every year.

By the way, any Friend is entitled to attend any Committee meeting to listen in or express their views.  Meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month at 7 pm at Nuriootpa Library.  The next meeting will be on Thursday 17th September.



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